COMPULSIVE OVEREATING: It is characterized by uncontrollable eating and consequent, weight gain. Some people use food to cope with stress,emotional conflicts and daily problems. The food can block out feelings and emotions. These people usually feel out of control and are aware their, eating patterns are abnormal. Like bulimics, compulsive overeaters do recognize they have a problem.
ANOREXIA: It is characterized by a significant weight loss resulting from excessive dieting. Most women and an increasing numbre of men are motivated by the strong desire to be thin an a fear of becoming obese. They consider themselves to be fat, no matter what their actual weight is. Often these people do not recognize they are underweight and may still ´´feel fat´´ at 80 lbs. In their attempts to become even thinner, they will avoid food and taking in calories at all costs, which can result in death. An estimated 10 to 20% eventually die from complications related to it.
BULIMIA:It´s characterized by a cycle of binge eating followed by purging to try and rid the body of unwanted calories. A binge is different for all individuals. For one person a binge may range from 1000 to 10000 calories, for another, one cookie may be considered a binge. Purging methods usually involve vomiting and laxative abuse. Other forms of purging can involve excessive exercise, fasting, use of diuretics, diet pills and enemas.
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